
Calendrier inversé

Calendrier inversé

The reverse calendar https://youtu.be/QRAt92sjDbE City, country of the initiative: Martinique, FranceName of the organization: Le calendrier de l'avent inversé 972 - Cynthia Yerro The reverse Advent calendar operation aims to support people in need. The principle is...



https://youtu.be/3mCz5awUe00 City, country of the initiative: Martinique, FranceName of the organization: Madin'attitude For Anais, 22 years old, if her project was an object, it would be a wool ball that strengthen social links. This energetic young woman is student...

Brevet de sécurité financière

Brevet de sécurité financière

https://youtu.be/maQYILr2NQA City, country of the initiative: MartiniqueName of the organization: Jeune chambre économique de la Martinique The mission of the Jeune Chambre Economique is both local and international. The organization is a network afiliated to the...

Inser art

Inser art

https://youtu.be/Hz5D2TcHZ98 City, country of the initiative: Martinique, FranceName of the organization: Inser Art In August 2013, three ambitious women, Vanessa, Christelle and Chanaël, decided to embark on a beautiful adventure: to set up projects and actions for...



https://youtu.be/qFeLMV-LVGo City, country of the initiative: Fort-de-France, Martinique, FranceName of the organization: BoumKaliko This solidarity initiative was born following the first lockdown due to the lack of digital tools to motivate people to...

Consulta Giovanile Gratteri

Consulta Giovanile Gratteri

Tourism and social development of small villages for the growth of an entire community Guiding the political decisions of a municipality of 900 inhabitants and acting as spokesperson for the youth community: Sofia and Martina share with us the birth story of the...

La Polea- Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza

La Polea- Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza

What is la Polea? La Polea Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza, is a non-profit worker cooperative that was established in the town of Al Margen (Malaga) in March 2020. Its main goal is to create new job opportunities and reduce depopulation, so through education in values...



Dancing with or without restrictions The initiative developed by Fred Cross are dance events in which dancers participate that have been developed in virtual and face-to-face format according to the health restrictions of the moment. In these activities Fred...

Hagamos Hogar

Hagamos Hogar

Reducing loneliness Hagamos Hogar is a digital platform for shared housing between generations that seeks to enhance the value of the elderly by helping them reduce the feeling of loneliness, and giving a new twist to the way of sharing a home. There is no house for...

Youth Philharmonic Orchestra “Campos Andaluces”

Youth Philharmonic Orchestra “Campos Andaluces”

Music unites young people This group of young people have come together to create the Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, so they have put all their effort, knowledge and enthusiasm so that other young people can learn the importance of music. At the time of the pandemic,...