Plan be, plan it be

PlanBe, Plan it Be it, is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established in March 2014, aiming at the personal and professional development of young people. The organisation is based in Nicosia, Cyprus, and acts at anational and European level. PlanBe forms a platform of communication for the exchange of ideas and the productive cooperation of young people in a variety of subjects of interest. PlanBe contributes to young people’s exploration for finding their own Plan B(e) and making it happen.

So far, PlanBe has sent more than 600 Cypriots participants in a project abroad representing Cyprus and have implemented21 projects, hosting more than 787 participants from abroad.

The Initiative

During the pandemic everything was mess. We postpone so many programs and we didn’t knowhow long will take. So, with Plan be, we took the initiative with the help of Youth Board Cyprus to create a series of three videos. Those videos present what we can do with materials we have home in order to create something new. So basically, is reuse the materials we have at home and we don’t need them. It was a great opportunity for us to stay creative and active in the house. I collected the materials and I started take video while making the handcrafts. We promoted them through social media. Cyprus Youth Council and other educational organizations share them, too. It was quite successful because you promote it as a challenge for the public. Basic, the first video was about how to create a tote bag from your t-shirt. The second video was transforming the plastic bag into a hard material through ironing. With this material you can create for example a wallet. And, the third one, was about recycling paper. Basically, how to create a new paper from leaflets, advertisements paper or any paper you have at home.


Two years ago, I think the videos helped the people. Of course, you can see videos like this in the internet but mine was more direct to my social circle. I believe this initiative is sustainable. We can create more videos like this. Financially, I don’t knowhow but thanks to the Youth Board Cyprus, supported us a lot with the logos and the practical stuff. One of the ways I monitor the dissemination is through the interaction those videos had in the social media. Likes, shares, reactions. But another way, was in the European Youth Event which occurred this year online. We demonstrate it. Our organization was selected to present a workshop in this event. Eventually, we did it online. In this pandemic we went through faces. The first period it was the creative season. The majority of the people and so do I, took advantage of the quarantine and gave time to themselves. Personally, I tried to relax from the travels, the everyday routine etc. This situation had impact in my work. Zoom, virtual meeting are new competences I didn’t use/knew before. Youth information and education is the key for the youth to be better and influence other young people. Getting out from their comfort zone, unknown people, being in public, travelling are some aspects which young people are scared of. For me to call effective an initiative is the education of the people that they are behind it.

The positiveness

I think being stuck at home for me it was very creative. Because normally I am never at home. So, the pandemic was a challenge for me to invest to the things I would like to develop. Like handcrafts. After all, the main motivation it was the boredom. I hope and I believe through my videos, not only the youth was inspired but also the unrepresented youth. As I saw from the reaction and the feedback I got from the people, I happily say that I achieved it.