The REBUILD project aims to empower youth organisations/informal groups of young people, and underrepresented young people by enhancing their participation, dialogue, civic engagement and networking at the local and EU level.
The actions will equip young people with tools so they can become actors of change in their communities. Such actions will also reach the regional level. Youth organisations and informal groups of young people will have the opportunity to build connections and networks throughout the EU.
The first steps of the REBUILD project have just started, stay tuned to be updated on the next activities! You can find us on Twitter (@RebuildEU) and Instagram (
In the meantime, if you’re curious about how to make your voice heard:
- Check the European Citizens’ Initiative, to help shape the EU by calling on the European Commission to propose new laws.
- Read the 25 Percent Blog to find stories about inspiring young people who are making a difference.