The first attempts to establish the first Round Table club in Cyprus started in 1977 with the Round Table of the United Kingdom and the Round Table of Sweden with the help of the Round Table of Greece. Euripides Neocleous was the first person approached to create the Round Table in Cyprus. The first meeting for information on the aims and objectives of the Round Table, took place in Nicosia where several people attended where the decision was made to set up a committee, chaired by Euripides Neokleou, which aimed to create the first Round Table club in Cyprus.In June 1978, the Nicosia Round Table 1 was officially established, with chartering tables from Sweden and the United Kingdom. Some of our aims are to develop the acquaintance and friendly relations between young people through their various professions. To emphasize the fact that everyone’s offer is a social service. To cultivate the highest ideals in professional and cultural traditions. To recognize the value of each legal profession and each member to honormhis own profession with teaching and example and also to promote the establishment of peace and goodwill in international relations.
Roundtable knowledge series it is an initiative we took during the pandemic. It is live seminars and podcast published in different social platforms. The duration was around 45 minutes or one hour. Because of the success of this project, we will continue organizing it after the covid. There are a lot of podcasts out there but what makes Round table knowledge series different is the fact that they are live. You can have an interaction with the presented, ask question and be involved. It was a way for the people to have direct access to the professionals without to have any obligation to give name or other
information about them. It was free and accessible for everyone. And this is why I believe it was successful. In an anonymous manner you can have discussion with professionals. We wanted to bring some innovating. The free information from professional to the society was missing.
The topics were discussed during those podcasts were health related issues, youth unemployment, digital marketing, mental health issues, social isolation and awaking of interpersonal powers. The initiative would happen regardless the pandemic but maybe not this year, two years ago probably. But covid made the things work faster and we should act rapidly. I consider myself lucky to have a knowledge and how to respond in this situation so I decided to share this knowledge to the society. That is our motto as Round Table.

Based on Eurostat, people in Cyprus can have access to the internet more than 90%. That means mostly everyone could join our seminars. We decide to share the credentials on Facebook to make our audience even bigger. Three different widely known universal. YouTube, zoom and Facebook so it was very easy for everyone to get involve. Even the underrepresented youth.
We could say it was a successful initiative because of the numbers of the viewers and also the engagement we measure in all the platforms. The majority of the audience was from Cyprus. Although, we had some people from other countries. This initiative was sustainable. Specifically, it has minor cost, 1500 euros more or less for fifteen episodes.


Most of the youth are disappointed and discourage about what they are see around them. I believe this is the major problem the youth society faces nowadays. Their reality is much different compared to what they have been promised as their future. And unfortunately, only a few realized the situation and tried to continue walking. My advice for the youth is to take this disappointment and transform into motivation, and also make it beneficial from themselves.
A very effective way to see if something has a positive impact is by numbers. But happiness can’t be counted. For example, The Knowledge series was a positive impact in the pandemic. We can measure the success with numbers. But, for me personally,can’t measure the happiness I received when people approaching me telling me how useful the seminars were. The messages I got from them, the smiles in their face and generally the gratitude.