Create your personalized project design workshop

1 - Introduction
2 - Project design basics
3 - Campaigning for social awareness
4 - Analysing needs and desires
5 - Identification of the idea
6 - Formulation of the idea
7 - Timeline and Budget
8 - Planning a Social Media Campaign

1 - Introduction

This session is aimed at allowing all participants to get to know each other and familiarize with the workshops.

Ice-Breaker (30 min)

A quick research online will allow you to find many possible icebreakers and pick the one that is more suitable to your team. This is an example:

Take a ball of string and give it to one of the participant asking them to say their name and anwer a question. This question can be anything: where you are from? What’s your biggest dream? Where do you dream to travel to? Why are you here? Ecc. You can pick the question according to the age, level of education or other characteristics of the group. Then the first person who answers the question has to throw it to one of the other participants and so on until everyone has answered and a big spiderweb has been created in the room. Then they need to curl up the ball again. So, the last person goes back to the person who threw them the ball and so on until the web is untangled.

Presentation of the workshop (15 min)

You give an introductory presentation of the workshops.

You can include:

  • Goals of the workshops
  • Agenda of the sessions
  • Materials to be used

Defining social solidarity and green lifestyle (15 min)

Divide participants in two groups and ask them to give definitions of:

  1. Green Lifestyle
  2. Social Solidarity

Then ask one representative to present their definition

The Hot-air Baloon (20 min)

This activity is aimed at allowing the participants to share their expectations contributions and fear about the workshops. You will then be able to compare them with their feedback at the end.




You draw a large hot air balloon on a flipchart like the one in the picture and ask the young people to write on post-its:

  • Their expectations – on the top of the balloon
  • Their contributions - in the middle
  • Their fears – at the bottom

Debriefing (10 mins)

Summary of the session; What is one thing that you learned? What would you change?

2 - Project design basics

This session is aimed at providing young people with the basics of Project Design and Implementation.

Presentation on Project Design (1 hour)

You give a presentation about Project Design implementation and dissemination.

This could Include:

  • What is a Project?
  • Project Cycle Management (N.B: the workshop covers until the Formulation step; after that comes the practical implementation of the initiative and dissemination)
  • Programming - Overview of European /National/Local donors for them
  • Identification – Closer analysis of needs and identification of goals 🡪 brainstorming solutions 🡪 defining the idea.
  • Formulation – The different sections of a project proposal: Context Analysis, General Objective, Specific Objectives, Target, Activities, Partnership, Resources, Results, Management, Dissemination, Sustainability, Monitoring and Evaluation. Provide an example of the content of the different sections.
  • Common mistakes when formulating a project
  • The Gantt Chart

Matching Exercise (20 min)

In the box there are a number of sentences and words that are examples of each section of a project proposal. Ask participants, individually or in small groups, to match the examples with each section:

To prevent and combat violence against women; To create a training programme on Art Therapy for the staff of women’s shelters; To improve the skills of the staff of the anti-violence centres in the city; Antiviolence center staff does not receive specific professional training beyond a degree in educational sciences; Expressive therapies such as Art Therapy are known by only 2% of the antiviolence center staff; professionals working in antiviolence centres; women who survived violence; one art therapist; one adult educator expert; one domestic violence prevention expert; Formulation of the training programme; Creation of teaching tools and materials; Testing of the curriculum in two anti-violence centres; Collection of feedback on the experience; Fine-tuning of the tools based on the feedback of participants in the pilot; Communication and dissemination of results.  Art Therapy; Staff costs; Printing costs; Rent costs; Created a training programme of 10 modules on the use of Art Therapy in anti-violence centres; Enhanced the skills of 15 female workers in 2 antiviolence centres.
General Objective
Specific Objectives

Then have a discussion on the differences between the different sections

Debriefing (10 min)

Summary of the session; What is one thing that you learned? What would you change? Do you feel confident describing the project cycle? Can you present the different phases? Which is the most challenging phase for you?

3 - Campaigning for social awareness

This session is aimed at providing young people with the basics of Campaigning for social awareness such as the Rebuild Campaign.

Presentation on Campaigning (1h 20 min)

You give a presentation about Campaigning for social awareness. This could Include:

  • What is a Campaign?
  • Steps to create an awareness rising campaign: set-up objectives, identify mission and vision, identify target (primary and secondary), choose tone and languages, choose channels, create message and content, choose and design graphic format, publish the campaign.
  • Examples of successful awareness rising campaigns
  • Tips to create a successful campaign such as the Rebuild Campaign
  • What is a Vlog?
  • How to make a Vlog

Make a Vlog (30 min)

Ask your participants to make a Vlog about the first part of the workshop. This can include:

  • Personal presentation
  • Why did they choose to participate?
  • What did they gain from the workshop so far?

Debriefing (10 min)

Summary of the session; What is one thing that you learned? What would you change? Can you share the main elements of a successful campaign?

4 - Analysing needs and desires

This session marks the beginning of the practical part of the workshop: the project design lab and it’s aimed at the analysis of the context and the participants interests.

The four quadrants (1 hour)

Use flipcharts to create four boxes and ask your participants to write and hang post-its to answer the questions inside:

My Talents Things I can do/things I know about My Interests Things I would like to learn more about
The world’s issues The problems I see in the community around me  My desires for the world Some solutions to the problems I see around me

This activity is aimed at allowing the young people to observe themselves and the world around them, explore and analyze: what they can do, what they want to do and what they would like to change in the world around them.

Then look at all the words and contribution and identify the main 3-4 topics that came up in the boxes. Have a short discussion with the participants and create a list of 3-4 macro categories/ areas of interests that they agree on. (e.g. Animal care; Environmental education; Support to refugees)

Debriefing (10 min)

Summary of the session; What is one thing that you learned? What would you change?Do you feel motivated to contribute to the local community ?

5 - Identification of the idea

This session is aimed at identifying the idea.

Brainstorming (1 hour)

Divide the group into small groups and assign to each small group one of the macro-areas identified in the previous session. Each group will brainstorm possible project ideas in that area. Then they should pick the two or three ideas that they feel more connected to and write them on a flipchart under the title of their macro-area


Then one representative of each team briefly presents the ideas and why they chose them.

Voting (20 min)

Have the teams discuss and then vote the idea they prefer and that they want to develop in the following sessions.

Debriefing (10 min)

Summary of the session; What is one thing that you learned? What would you change? Do you feel that you have identified a topic that you would like to develop an initiative on? Which is your main motivation?

6 - Formulation of the idea

This session is aimed at formulating the idea.

Defining the idea (10 min)

In plenary, summarize the idea in one sentence and write it on a flipchart

The 5 Ws (1h 40min)

In plenary and using flipcharts, answer the following questions about the project idea with the group:

Why? General Objective What macro objective do I want to contribute to through this project? What long-term benefits will it produce? What motivates us to do it? Why is it important for us?
Specific Objectives What are the aims that the project directly pursues? What do we want to achieve through the project activities? These should be SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time related
Where? Context In what context (physical and social) do we operate? Are there limits imposed by the context?
Who? Group/Partnership Who are we and what can we do? Are there competences we do not have? Who is in charge of what? How do we divide roles?
Target groups Who do we want to reach with this project? Who will benefit indirectly from our project? Who will be marginally involved?
What? Activities What actions will I take to achieve my goal? What steps must I take?
Methodologies What methodologies will I use in the implementation of my activities? (E.g. Non-formal education; Design Thinking, Peer to Peer Support etc)
Results What do we expect to obtain from the activities performed? Skills obtained, Materials produced, etc.
Resources What materials and/or human resources do we need to carry out the activities?
When? Timeframe What is the general timeframe of the project? (beginning and end)

Debriefing (10 min)

Summary of the session; What is one thing that you learned? What would you change? Do you feel confident to develop an idea based on the proposed phases? Can you describe the different phases?

7 - Timeline and Budget

This session is aimed at creating the budget and the timeline of the project, and therefore finalizing the formulation phase.

The timeline (55 min)

In plenary create a Gantt Chart of the initiative starting from the timeframe identified in the previous session

Activity M1 M2 M3 M4
Activity 1: ….

Budget (55 min)

Starting from the list of resources created during the previous session and the activities in the timeline, the group should start creating the budget as a group. They can research prices and suppliers online.

You can facilitate the process by asking questions or they can do it on their own.

Item Quantity Price Link to supplier if available Notes


Debriefing (10 min)

Summary of the session; What is one thing that you learned? What would you change? Do you feel confident to develop the Gantt Chart and the Budget? Which is the most challenging part for you?

8 - Planning a Social Media Campaign

This session is aimed at planning a Social Media Campaign related to the initiative. It should be based on the same topics and cover the same timeline.

Outlining the Campaign (40 min)

In plenary define:

  • Main message of the campaign: what do we want to communicate?
  • Target of the campaign
  • Social Media Channels and tools (Vlog, Post, Reel etc)
  • Title/Slogan
  • Hashtags

Brainstorming (30 min)

Brainstorm and write on flipcharts:

  1. Some concepts and sentences that will shape the content of the campaign
  2. Some adjectives that will characterize the tone and colours of the campaign.

Campaign Calendar (40 min)

Create a campaign calendar outlining in which month of the project implementation you will post which kind of content. Give a clear title/topic to each piece of content.

Activity M1 M2 M3 M4
Title/Topic/Content 1
Title /Topic/Content 2

Remember to include also some preparation time at the beginning to create the graphics and finalize the texts.

Debriefing (10 min)

Summary of the session; What is one thing that you learned? What would you change?