The REBUILD Project consortium is proud to announce the winners of the REBUILD Local Initiative contests in Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Martinique and Spain. These contests were a part of the REBUILD project activities and gathered teams of young people who developed and implemented these youth-led initiatives in social solidarity and green lifestyles areas, further increasing their skills and empowering them to promote active citizenship, turning them into central players to support a social “reconstruction” and update of lifestyles in each local community, easing an adaptation to the new social needs brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
National Contests were launched to select the best initiative in each partner country, with a view to select a winning team, out of the 4 youth teams who took part in each country. The winners were selected based on the implementation of initiatives and conduction of the REBUILD campaign by the young people themselves which culminated in the joint effort of public votes and jury formed by the implemented partners. The winners of the national contests are:
Let’s paint our school together
The 6 winning teams have been invited to participate in the International Youth Summit, which will take place on the 4-6th of May, 2023 in Brussels, sharing their experience with all attendees.
The REBUILD Project Coordinator
According to the project coordinator representing CESIE, Alice Valenza, “The RBUILD Project really gave a chance to all groups of young people to imagine and create something that they are motivated about. It showed them that they can change the world around them and this is the most important impact of the project”
Marko Paunović, CEO of Out of the Box International emphasised that “the winners of the REBUILD national contests truly showed the engagement and competitive spirit of young people and the value their actions will bring to local communities. We will be proud to host them in Brussels and look forward to getting to know the winners better”
The REBUILD project is implemented by 7 partners from Italy (CESIE), Martinique – France (D’Antilles & D’Ailleurs), Greece (KMOP), Spain (AIIJ), Lithuania (Active Youth Association), Cyprus (CARDET) and Belgium (OTB).
The REBUILD project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ KA3 European Youth Together Programme of the European Commission.
Want to join in #REBUILDing? Find out how here: