REBUILD International YOUTH-Net Forum – a solid start to REBUILDing society through Youth Engagement?

4th and 5th of May, 2022, Palermo

The spring of 2022 has brought a set of new challenges to a society that was widely impacted by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. And while the current geopolitical situation is forcing the recovery to the proverbial backseat, the glaring reality remains the same: all segments of our society have been heavily impacted by the pandemic, with key impacted groups being those more socially vulnerable. Engaging youth, a group whose prospects and overall well-being have been affected the most, seems to be key in supporting the recovery of the EU’s social fabric which has been shaken to the core by this unprecedented crisis which persists to date.

In light of this, the need for democratic participation, dialogue, civic engagement and networking at local and the EU level  to support the rebuilding of inclusive and greener societies, better prepared to adapt and respond to the challenges of COVID-19 emergency, are as relevant as ever. And Youth’s engagement can prove to be very effective to encourage the adoption of more sustainable lifestyles in the local community, at a time when attention to the environment is becoming more important than ever to ensure all living beings’ health.

Thus, the REBUILD Partnership agrees that building youth organisations’ capacities, strengthening networks, and stimulating participation among young people are key to foster constructive dialogue and their active citizenship in the aftermath of Covid-19 crisis.

The premise of the the REBUILD Youth-Net Forum is therefore straightforward – to encourage networking and discussion among participants about youth participation during and in the aftermath of the emergency, lessons learnt from the implementation of initiatives and potential strategies for future actions and policy developments. The event will also strengthen the local and transnational cooperation among youth organisations/informal groups, enhancing potential participation of smaller youth organisations in European programmes and initiatives.

The REBUILD Youth-Net Forum will take place in Palermo, Italy, on the 4th and 5th of May and will gather 62 participants representing youth from Italy, Lithuania, Martinique, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and Belgium. The REBUILD Youth-Net forum is a part of the REBUILDing society through youth engagement  – REBUILD, a  project  co-financed by the Erasmus+ KA3 European Youth Together Programme of the European Commission.

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